(for my message of the day check out the forum, i'll put it up every day that i'm on)
In the beginning I was born on the sea, a pirate. For many years, a long time passed and I stayed with my family. I grew tired, impatient, we never raided, or had any adventures like a true pirate. One day i decided we were no more than a common gypsy anymore and decided to leave. On my birthday, when i turned twelve, i left my family. I jumped off the bow and never came back. When i had swam to the shore it had been around a week, and i was near death, upon my journeys i had gathered a severe case of hypothermia and also had created a moss like substance on my toes from traveling in the sea too long, walking on a rock would simply tear my skin of my foot, for it had been soaked continueosly now for a week, i had little to eat, finding as much as i could, I could never rest or fear being found in my watery grave. I crawl into shelter nearby for warmth. Then i pass out for i never knew how long. When i awoke i looked around to see elders herded around me, helping me. It is to those elders i owe my life, i would be dead now if it werent for them. From my experiences i truly know what it is like to suffer severe hardships and to think i will never make it, and for that reason, I try to stop any hardships upon any person. As a grew in magic duel, i felt accepted as a youth, and became excited, and evermore wished to become one of the elders. The day came and i finnaly grew into a man, still with my pirate clothes on, and of course with my trusty rapier. And my dream grew into a reality. I am...
The great pashweetie (Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
Many a years later... i learned the art of shapeshift... i can become anything with the thought... though I love peace and hate to leave it... If needed i will turn into anything... love... the universe... a valcanoe... a mighty wind dragon or drachorn... even you. I beleive this was a gift from god, but who really knows? i hope that it is and that this will bring great warmth and wealth to all those in need of help and for peace.

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
^my lucky katana, kieda of the sisterhood found lying somewhere on the ground for me.
I am slowly starting to lose the ability to shapeshift into anything besides the four elements, my favorite form, and my pirates form.
As i walked around i saw a great tree surrounded by water. As i looked at this tree i sat down and we became one, this, I say, is my new home, look here if you cannot find me.
My life meaning:
Today... i find in myself... my philosophy... I become a monk of my own order called:
The peaceful(contact me for info... on joining the cause (this is not an official group, part of rp))
The peaceful are designed to bring peace, obviously, i will go around recruiting those who i think are great peacekeepers and great makers of kindness, although if you'd like to join, id be glad to accept you as long as there is no great darkness in your soul. Our job, to make the MD world a better and more fun playing environment for everyone, and give everyone happiness that cannot be achieved by themselves. We are to help the players enhance their souls to think positive and know that their greatest friend is happiness and to teach the land of the great wonders of kindness and its endless supply of rewards to both us and others. Our goal is to make others happy and live their lives just how they want it, completely unchanged by the demands of our world, and to know the difference between the paths, good and evil. It will never be our goal to have as many people as possible, simply to make everyone feel better and want to accept the world and smile under its radiant warmth, and understand that all that we do is only determined boring, bad, good, horrible, interesting, by us, we are the formers of our lives and others. We want to make others feel good about their lives and spread happiness through our good word and thoughts, only those who can truly be good even in the face of great evil and sadness can become a true peacekeeper, but anyone can follow our cause. We have no rules, except following our philosophy. If you have any ideas about this, anything at all, feel free and welcome to pm me with any idea, i will take it seriously and try to include it in. Thanks for reading!
Then it happened, a terrible changing of being, the entrance to my soul was battered with outside and foriegn concepts. My frail mind took it all in growing at the sight of it. Then a thought passed by and crushed myself. I grew stronger as I learned to deflect such thoughts. Suddenly my body, when I looked into a reflection was torn with muscles, it was the image of my soul, tough on the outside but oh so weak in reality. I had changed, everything was done from my previous life. I felt sad, the need to cry. Then I realized why. Change is the inevitable, though a soul is a thing that does not die.
I walk around aimlessly looking for
something that is not there. My eyes, they betray me, for I need them
to see something deep my soul aches for. I find myself aiming at
pointless charming chatter. Barely wets my desire for community. For
love. The hideous creature that I was. The hideous creature I still
am. Truth be I may have my old form back but nothing can stop the
raging monster inside of these four walls.
I speak with Laphers, asking questions
I know the answers to. A funny thing people who do that. People who
ask questions which they have already made the answers to. A strange
thing really, of humankind. My eyes grow weaker looking for the light
that shines through my misty fate. My power grows more and more
invisible. The basis of my identity continues to crumble. One day to
make the dirt someone will walk on, one day to give new life.
Writing insanity, letting the words
flow out the ends of my fingertips, to entertain my pen's careless
attitude. Careless not in the sense of freedom, careless in the dark
way, as if the pen was in jail, left without any inspiration for hope
and had no care left in the world. A sad and very gloomy fate
instead. Trapped are the memories of the past, that well up inside
growing to fill the well of my soul.
I look to the sky for inspiration. The
sky is my friend, it knows freedom that my heart once shared. I look
to it at the night time, I look to it at the day. It passionately
shakes my being with the word "can", leading me to new hope
and confidence in myself. I shake the ground with my endless qi
giving back to whence I came, giving life to the dead around me. New
beautiful flowers spring.
Finally happiness flows and life grows
as the spring months return in the wrong month. Confused plants do
not know whether to grow or to give in. Plants that have stayed
dormant for so long stretch their new leaves in the strength of the
The land flourishes in a small land.
Those who walk in feel as if they walk into another land as it should
be, when life is new, fresh and exotic. I have found some love,
enough to fulfill his quench for now. He tends to the life, caringly
and with time and patience. He strokes every blade before leaning
lightly against the large tree.
I look for something once again. He
looks for passion. He wants to find something to do, something that
he believes in. I sleep long nights with confusion and loss. I dont
know, I dont know.
I cannot know what I am or what it is
that I need any longer. Words escape my feelings and feelings escape
my words. The void is my second home. My other home is helping and
guiding. It is a strange two headed life. |